Year 4 Campout 2024

Year 4 Campout 2024
Wednesday 22nd May
We didn't let the weather hold us back or dampen our spirits. We have had an amazing first day filled with activities and laughter. 
Thank you to all the parents that have loaned us tents, we will take great care of them, A special shout out must go to Mr Gutteridge, Mr Neighbour and Mr Martin for helping set them all up in the relentless rain! and to Mr Morgan for loaning us your Gazebos.
We started the day with Forest School activities, in which we had a fire, built dens, whittled, climbed trees and chopped wood in preparation for cooking our own dinner!
We spent the afternoon in our tribes, creating tribal flags and presenting our tribe to our fellow campers.
Mrs Wingrove came down to judge them.
The winners were:
The Best Name: The Jammie Dodgers and The Bikini Bottom Bros (Joint winners)
Best Flag Design: The Tribe of Kindness
Best Tribe Presentation: Campers Union Girls
The flags will go on display on the children's tents.
We cooked our hotdogs for dinner on the fire in forest school and cheated a little with a few oven chips to go with it!
After enjoying our smores, we got into our PJs and settled down to watch a movie with some popcorn and hot chocolate before settling down for the night. 
Good night, we are having a great time and can't wait for tomorrow! (Mrs Kershaw has everything crossed for a dry day!)
Year 4 xx
Thursday 23rd May
The rain finally eased and we had a peaceful first night. After an early but civilised start, we enjoyed breakfast on the field before setting off on a long walk into Bledlow. We visited Lyde Gardens, enjoyed a picnic lunch outdoors, jumped muddy puddles and explored our beautiful local area. 
On our return we had some well earned down time and enjoyed some team games on the field.
Pizza arrived and we sat in the evening sunshine to eat before heading down to Forest School for some den building and camouflage games, in which the children tried to find camouflaged creatures hidden in Forest School before being challenged to 'camouflage' one of their team mates for Mrs Kershaw to find...... I was genuinely impressed with their work and some were such experts Mrs Kershaw couldn't find them! Well done to Jamie R, Charlotte, Esme and Nathaniel for hiding so well. You really are 'Camouflage Pros!' 
We ended the day with smores around the campfire, which were a delicious treat! We are all exhausted but I'm sure we will all sleep well tonight!
Friday 24th May
Unsurprisingly, after our long walk and activities yesterday we all settled really quickly last night and had a much better nights sleep. We began our final morning with breakfast before packing and clearing our tents..... some children found this easier than others with one tent in particular (that shall remain nameless) still had a full tent of belongings long after everyone else had packed away!
We then completed an orienteering nature quiz and enjoyed some snacks before our parents arrived. Thank you to all those who were able to stay to help pack up camp and dismantle tents. 
Your children were a credit to you and should be very proud of their achievements over the last few days. every child in the class stayed overnight. They gave everything 110% and had lots of fun. Many of them will not have camped before or been away from home for so long but their resilience and support of one another was so lovely to see. 
Your homework for this week is.... to rest, relax have lots of treats and cuddles with your family!