Monday - Science Week launch and whole school challenge
We have had a fantastic start to the week with our first whole school assembly this year. Miss van der Ploeg and Mr Thompson wowed us with science experiments, getting us all involved!
We continued the day with the Bridge Building Challenge. We were so excited to join up with other classes and work together to build bridges.
The children had to build a bridge one metre in length that could hold a tin of food. It had to be a working bridge; a boat had to go under and a car must be pulled along from one side to the other.
The children could choose any materials available and create the bridge in groups. We were looking for ingenious ideas such as the longest bridge, which could hold the most weight, or the best looking bridge! We were amazed with all the different interpretations and teamwork between the different year groups. See photos below.
Tuesday – Spirit of the Wild (Animals)
Today we were visited by the fantastic Spirit of the Wild! They brought lots of different animals to share with us. We are learning about animals in science across the school and we discover lots more about those animals today. We met a spider, a meerkat, a toad, an owl, snakes and many more wonderful creatures. You can see some of the visitors in the photos below, others will be posted on Tapestry for you to see.
Testing materials over Mr Thompson's head!
How to NOT pop a balloon!
Planning our bridges!
Building a long bridge
Working together
Giving instructions!
Joining up the bridge
Happy builders
Working hard
Working upside down
Helping hands
Bicarbonate of soda and vinegar - blow up a balloon
Testing the strength