
A wide variety of strategies form an integral part of classroom activities aimed at helping pupils to become more independent learners and confident children as they progress through the school. Individual progress is assessed to inform teachers, pupils and parents. Assessments identify areas of strengths and also identify specific areas for development. Information gained from assessments informs curriculum planning and focuses on how pupils learn. Assessment recognises all educational achievement. It is sensitive, constructive and focuses on improvement.
A variety of appropriate assessment strategies are used to maximise opportunities for pupils to demonstrate their thought process, concepts, knowledge, understanding and skills: 

Observation: Particularly practical activities 

Listening: Discussion groups, particularly when the children are engaged in practical activities, talk partners 

Marking: Written work, including taking in work and circulating to mark and discuss work 

Looking at work produced: Using annotation sheets 

Questioning: Particularly about how outcomes had been reached 


Pupils are provided with opportunities and encouraged to assess themselves, evaluate their own work and review their own learning. The process of self-evaluation enables children to play an active part in the setting and understanding of their own targets. 

Children's progress against key skills and knowledge is tracked and updated termly; Below is the tracking system we use for each year group in the foundation subjects: